Friday, July 15, 2016

Prophet & 21 Members Set on Fire Trying to Perform Miracle of Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego

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A 24 year old self proclaimed prophet has set himself and 21 others in his church on fire while allegedly proclaiming he can perform the miracle of shadrach, meshach and abnednego. This happened during a tuesday evening service while this prophet started pouring petroleum fuel
on himself at the altar and others hailing him to see the miracle. Afterwards, set himself on fire but while realising that he could not control the matter again called out for help and others went helping but got caught in fire as well. 15 people were rushed to the hospital bitterly burnt and other witnesses said they have never seen anything like that before in their lives. 
Concluding that they will never allow anybody perform such a miracle like that again in their front be it house of miracle or not.

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